I can't believe I got this shot! My boyfriend is good a rock skipping. I count nine jumps. That's amazing. I tried one and it went plunk, with one big ring in the water. Oh well, I'll just stick with the picture taking.

I was using my 18-135mm lens, Set on Aperture Priority , at f/5.6,
shutter speed 1/200, ISO 400.
This is me saying HI!
WOW! look how long my legs look!

Same lens, f/3.5, shutter speed 1/400, ISO 400.
Have a great Monday!
I love the first picture. How cool that you got all of those skips in there. I used to be able to skip rocks but haven't tried in years. Makes me want to go out and try it again.
Wow. He's a man of many talents. Love the shadow shot.... you look so TALL! lol
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