Don't think I'm crazy, I didn't order that many, I ordered 12 pullets, and 2 males, for those of you wanting to learn, A pullet is a young, female hen somewhere between 4 weeks old to under one year. I was thinking some might not make it, And would end up with 10-12 chickens.
But that's not what I received. They sent me 22 baby chickens.
They are so tiny! and cute!
This is a Black Australorp. Which is what I ordered. They are suppose to be quiet, docile, cold hardy, good egg layers, and good for a beginner back yard chicken owner. That's me!
I received 14 of these. Hopeful 12 girls and 2 boys, but we will see about that.
This, I think is a Buff Orpington, I didn't order these little guys, but they are very cute. I won't know for sure what they are until they get bigger. I received 8 of these babies.
I lost one of the black australorp's. :-( All the others are growing and looking good.
Oh so cute!! your new chicks! I can't wait to see them some time soon! :-)
@ Beebo, Come on over! They're growing fast!
How fun! You will LOVE your new little babies. Just wait until you get your first egg. It will be so awesome!
@Dirt Lover, I can't wait!
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