Wednesday, September 30, 2009


We have had a lot of rain lately, these little guys came up on the bottom of my hanging baskets under my arbor last week, I think they are so cool looking.


I can't help myself, when ever I see mushrooms, I always want to look under them ....

Ya'll have a good day!


Dory said...

Ohhh..... very cool.

mumof3boyz said...

Why do the undersides have those ridges?

Lena said...

I don't know. but, isn't it cool?

Country Girl said...

Awesome photos. I'm a complete sucker for mushroom pics!

Jen said...

As much as I loathe mushrooms, these photos were incredible. You are truly talented!

Dory said...

This is a test.... only a test. Do not adjust your dial.


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