Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Love Spring Time!


Encourage one another,

Monday, April 11, 2011

Shuckstack Fire Tower

We hiked from Fontana Dam in North Carolina to Shuckstack Fire Tower a couple of weeks ago. It was very cool!

Shuckstack Tower between the trees in the clouds

At about 2 1/2 miles in to our hike you could see where we were going, look closely between the trees, at the top of the mountain peak, Can you see it? Shuckstack Fire Tower in the clouds.

Shuckstack Tower in the clouds

See It? It this point I wasn't sure if I was going to make it. But I could see it was going to level out for awhile, my legs were very happy about that.

Shuckstack Tower

We made it!
The fire tower was build in 1934 and is 60 foot high. It sits on top of Twentymile Ridge.

The view was breath taking!

On top of Shuckstack Tower NC

View from Shuckstack Fire Tower

I didn't go all the way to the top of the tower. It felt a little shaky, and it is in need of some repair. But, the views were amazing from where I was anyway.

We climbed a little more than 2100 feet. Total hike about 8 miles. And was sore for about three day. But loved every minute of it.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011


I'm have changing my mind about what these little guys are. Just a few short weeks ago they looked like this, and I thought they were Buff Orpingtons.

Baby Chicken

But now they look like this. At 8 weeks old.

8 week old Rhode Island Reds Cockerels

I think they are Rhode Island Reds. I didn't order them, but I was happy to see the surprise in the box when I received them.... Rhode Island Reds are good birds, and good egg layers. But NOT these!
Because, I think they are all boys!

I'll catch you up on my chicken count. Started with 22.
Two days after receiving them I lost one to Pasty Butt. ..... Yes, that is a real chicken medical term, haha.
Every one was doing great until, at 8 weeks, we let them out of the coop. And the dog got 3 of them. One black Australorp and two Rhode Island Reds. I love my Lab but, I wanted to beat her!!!
So, Now we have 18 and out of those 18, 10 are boys! Can you imagine the noise thats going to come from my coop when they start crowing!

Is any one out there interested in a Rooster? I have 9 to many.


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